Arhiva lunii October, 2011
Employee return on investment decreased by 12% in 2010
Employee return on investment decreased by 12% in Romania in 2010, according to PwC’s Saratoga Romania 2011 survey, from 1.53 to 1.34. The indicator measuring the Human Capital Return On Investment shows the pre-tax revenue produced by an employee for every monetary unit (e.g.euro, dollar, or RON) paid out in remuneration.
25 Oct 2011 | Continuarea articoluluiPwC Romania: 10 areas for increased efficiency in the expenditure structure of the Chamber of Deputies
The expenditure structure of the Chamber of Deputies is similar to that of other parliaments of the EU member states, yet there are some opportunities for increasing efficiency, shows a PwC Romania analysis.
13 Oct 2011 | Continuarea articolului